Q:"Some enemies became strong unawares."
A:"According to Ms. Miku's level, offensive strength and defense power make rise correction of some enemies."

Q:"Although I feel that the fuel consumption of a lantern is bad, don't you become somehow?"
A:"In fact, Super oil is more fuel-inefficient, and I am burned out in time earlier than oil."

Q:"Even if it beat an enemy, popularity stopped going up, but is it a bug?"
A:"'Level is high' or 'it being murder with powerful arms' or 'safe with a perfect protector'
These are the secrets which cannot acquire popularity.
Let's aim at a stronger enemy at such a time, it should weaken general tools, or should devise a battle at night."

Q:"Is it a bug although the offensive strength of shooting arms feels that it is weaker than the notation?"
A:"Damage calculation of the proximity arms is done by 'offensive strength of the offensive strength + arms of an empty hand'.
Damage calculation of the shooting arms is done only 'offensive strength of arms.'"

Q:"Would you like to quarrel with the partner of the name currently written to the grave?"

Q:"Yaruo is a hero?"

Q:"Money is heavy. Is there any relief disposal called the money-changing machine of magic?"
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